Friday, September 17, 2010

The Message- Final Project

We ( Me - Masoud - Amir - Anna - Naif ) were decided to creat a short animation about message and how a people of a place with our any speaking language are talking.
at first my groupmate masoud wrote a essay:

Message will be our group idea for Creative Studies project. Why we chased this subject? And what will be our purpose? Actually, everybody knows that message is one of first subject for communication during world history; in during this time message transfering has been most important subject between witch governments and who people.
So, what is relationship between our message and multimedia? What will be inside our message to show to viewers? Actually, today without multimedia people could not find their needing well. Multimedia brings power, success, hope and anything who people want to be best even those people used multimedia in bad ways. We show on our animation how FCM connect to multimedia facilities like camera. We will show the our envelope includes the message FCM and inside the envelope will be something we need for made our creative thinking.
I am going to explain of few kinds of those ways about message transferring. In history we heard that in some area people used by birds as pigeon and hawk. Pigeons are very smart and wonderful in relationship with human, although which pigeons used for this way, before all they trained by human that what will do about envelopes that it has to deliver them. In another famous way for delivering of message was Chapar. The Chapar is very traditional Persian word and subject in the Persia history. It goes back 500B.C that this way used in Iran. Chapars who people were as postmen. But they did not have any facilities for their job like today, but they used very standard way for this job. They delivered messages by horse. Sometimes postman did not have enough time for arrived to destination if their destination was very far because of horses had been tired and postmen had to continue his job. Therefore the government of Persia (Hakhmaneshi) made some place (the place name was Chaparkhaneh) between every city that postmen could change their horse with another horse without they wasted anytime more. There are some other ways about delivering message around the world in the past but I adequate to this two subjects.
Now I want to describe about our group project. We want to show that in another corner of world, in a planet, some other creature is living. Their physical body system is different than humans. This creatures name is Small Wings, because their first obvious sign is their small wings. They do not need anything that we have needed as internet, cars, computer, and anything we use during our life. They are very active creature. They solve their works with together. Actually, the two small wings help them for finishing their works.
Every time they want to do something that it is relevant to popular and everybody has a right for the matters, they will use with nature for show the matters. Actually, Small Wings always used natural for their needing. For example, when there is a celebration day some of them go to space and bring stars with themselves and used it in that celebration, they used with them as light. Anyway, the most important matter for them about natural things is cloud. Small clouds are always available in their planet. They have used cloud more than other matters when they want to send message to others Small Wings that living in their planet same as effluence short news.
Our story it is that one day five of small wings decided to changed something in their planet. They have talked about something that they have been needing it for that their planet can developing faster. This five small wings joined together and shared each other ideas. They had decided to used anything need in multimedia. They understood creative thinking without multimedia could not continue long way. Same as always they decided to provided place for attract who creature with new idea and creative thinking for share with others. So, there is some way as a faculty with used creative thinking and than making and continue by multimedia. Yes, the best place name will be faculty of creative multimedia with short name that it is FCM.
Now, they have made three words FCM with many pieces of cloud. They joined cloud and show FCM to other small wings with proud but any body of small wings have not know what is the FCM. Than the five small wings for show inside of FCM went and found different shape of cloud that show multimedia needing for developing and used with them for future. So, anything they did showed how share their creative thinking with each other and how could use with multimedia.

then you can see our mind maps with Ana's art:

All of the members of group wanted to create a character about what they want, also I did that and his name is "Loon", you can see all of them:

At last you can see our StoryBoard and the final animation:

Final Animation:

This project is finished but I will miss my group because we was working very friendly and likely.In our group every body was trying to help the group and I was helping with changing the character from the papers to Illustrator's file also designing our CD cover,Posters,and all the images of our project.